In this article we want to debunk the myths surrounding pre-workout supplements.
Many of us consume pre-workout on the reg to power through a sweat-sesh, but do you ever wonder if it is actually good for you?
Read on to find out about our pre-workout range Succeed by Oatein and when you should be taking it.

What are pre-workout supplements?
Many wonder because of this trend what the supplements actually do.
Well, pre-workout supplements such as drinks or powders, are designed to give a sudden boost of energy and increased focus to help you get the best out of your workout!
When to take?
It is recommended to get the best use out of the supplement to take it around 30 minutes to an hour before your workout. Why?
For those who love to pump in the evenings, be careful how late you consume your pre-workout. If you’re planning on taking it a few hours before you normally go to bed, then think again.
Taking pre–workouts too close to bedtime can set you up for a bad night’s sleep.
To be on the safe side, always refer to the packaging to find out how and when to consume your pre -workout. Our serving suggestion for Energy is below.
You will feel the caffeine impact you immediately, however it takes some ingredients like Creatine and Beta-Alanine need time to build up in your body.
We would recommend regularly supplementing your routine with our pre-workout products to maximize the benefits and impact of ingredients.
How do you take?
To use powder-format pre-workout simply add the suggested serving to water, shake or stir and go!
To take our Energy pre-workout, just add 1 serving (1 scoop) to 250ml of chilled water. As mentioned previously make sure you take your supplement 30 mins to an hour before your session.
Make sure you don’t consume your pre-workout energy boost within 4 hours of bedtime, as this could affect your night’s sleep.
To take our Voltage pre-workout add 1 serving (1 Scoop) to 150ml of water and shake well! This product is high intensity, so we recommend to seasoned users of the product only!
How much caffeine is in pre-workout supplements?
Most pre-workout supplements contain anything from 150mg to 300mg of caffeine per serving.
One serving of our Energy pre-workout contains 200mg of caffeine.
But in comparison our intense Voltage pre-workout contains 350mg of caffeine!
This supplement is recommended to those who are looking for an extreme boost of energy!
Is pre-workout just caffeine?
No. Our Pro-workout formulas contain:
Beta Alanine, which is great for reducing your lactic acid during your workout!
L-Citrulline, which is great to increase blood flow to muscles during your workout!
Our Voltage pre-workout contains an extra ingredient, Nootropic, which boosts your motivation and focus to get the best out of your workout!
What are the benefits?
Increase Physical performance
Hit a rut in the gym? Lacking motivation? Well, drinking a pre-workout before your session could help improve your performance, helping you to secure that final rep or last extra mile.
Increased focus
Having some pre-workout before your workout can help you on days where you are lacking concentration. Get in the zone with the help of Nootropic, proven to increase brain activity.
Looking for some inspo on workouts to partner with your pre-workout? Head over to our blog section of our website!